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Andalucía is the region of Spain that attracts most tourism. Its good weather and unique history make it a perfect destination for short or long visits alike. Andalucía is composed of eight provinces:
Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, Sevilla

With a climate which is typically Andalusian which is hot in summer, mild in spring and autumn, a little chilly in the depths of winter, inland Andalucia, including La Subbética de Córdoba, offers so much to the visitor: authentic Andaluz lifestyle, a rich cultural tapestry, beautiful countryside, attractive towns and villages - and an easy journey to each and every one of Andalucía's great historic cities as well as Malaga's airport, which is only an hour away from most of the towns we cover.
La Subbética de Córdoba lies in the very centre of Andalucía, almost equidistant from its major towns, Córdoba itself, Granada, Sevilla and Málaga. Within an hour from here you can be in any one of these great cities. This land of rugged hills and deep valleys offers the perfect base for your home. Not only does the spectacular scenery work wonders - just looking at this beauty is de-stressing.
The heartland of Andalucía couldn't be described as such without an olive tree or two. Here, there are a few more than that! It's a thrilling vista, row upon row, dotted on hillside upon hillside, stretching as far as the eye can see.
But it's not all olives, far from it. The centrepiece of the area is its Natural Park, the Sierras Subbética, some 31,000 hectares of medium-height limestone mountains which extend through much of the region, their steep slopes and rugged crags overlooking pretty, narrow valleys. Although not especially high, it does boast Córdoba's highest peak, La Tiñosa at 1,570 metres. The beautiful olive trees cover the vast landscapes in Andalucia. Why not buy your own finca with olive trees?
These sierras are a joy to behold, and well worth the trouble of getting out of the car and exploring on foot. Forested with oaks and maples, they are home to wild cats and boar, foxes and hedgehogs - not to mention the Cabrera shrew. Eagles, falcons, vultures and kestrels circle the skies high above; cuckoos, partridges, owls and swifts compete for the lower air space. Butterflies flutter through a pastoral scene of pure delight. It's not without interest underground, either, with some wonderful cave formations, the work of rivers flowing through the limestone fissures.
Here is a complete list of all the areas we sell properties in. So if you are looking for houses, fincas, cortijo's, village houses, cottages, farmhouses, luxury Spanish villas and house plots, cheap old Spanish ruins where you can create your Spanish dream home, discover our delightful properties for sale here.